.my motto : doing my best is more important than being the best.(;

it's true..for an ordinary person like myselff..,i am not able to be the best among the best..yet..,i'll try my very very best to be the best for myself and for my family..(:


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


(p/s: sekadar gambar hiasan..:PP)

wednesday,3rd march 2010...

The day dat i am always waiting for...bukan nak kate overconfident...but aku nak abeskan tugas aku cepat..haha!nervous oo pagi nih...,sampai breakfast pown aku xlalu..not even finished my cup of nescaffe..huhu..

As i reached..,i was in the first session dat start at 8 am till 11 kot..if im not mistken giliran aku 47/66..aku pown xpaham sgt..janji settle dah r..ngeh2~~ my first try time kat bukit...PAS!..parking..,PAS!..3 pointer turn...,PAS!...perghh!!!aku punye r takot but at last i made it!ALHAMDULILLAH..(:

Then..,on road plak..dapat pegawai JPJ pompuan plak...adoii...ade patot aku dah adjust sume tibe2 seat belt aku xleh tarik...soit tol...wat saspen je..huhu..finally...,i succeed!hee!ALHAMDULILLAH once again..(:
So...,tggu bape ari je lagi,aku leh dapat lesen P dah..hehe..(:

SO..,i would like to take this oppurtunity to thanked those people dat give me support and pray for me...hee!

.papa and mama tersayang..(:

. my heart .(:

.pikah nadzir.(:

.sayangku,ieyla jasmin.(:
.birthday gurl!x0x0!(:

thanx to all of u for supporting me when im in need..(: to kawan2 yg terlibat secara xlansong...,aku xgtaw korang kot..hehe..tapi xpe..i will always thanx u guys for always be with me..x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0!!!mwahxxx!!~much love~(: